The dyaloges in Englysshe betwene a doctour of diuinitie and a stud?t in the lawes of Englãd
The dyaloges in Englysshe betwene a doctour of diuinitie and a stud?t in the lawes of Englãd
Law of the United Kingdom and Ireland > England and Wales > KD600
Edition Details
- Creator or Attribution (Responsibility): Christopher Saint German
- Language: English
- Jurisdiction(s): England
- Publication Information: Londini : In aedibus Richardi Toteli, An. 1554 – An
- Publication Type (Medium): Early works, Early works to 1800
- Type: Book
- Other titles: Dyaloge in Englysshe bytwyxt a doctoure of dyvynyte and a student in the lawes of Englande
- Series title: Early English books, 1475-1640, 1883:6.
- Permalink: (Stable identifier)
Short Description
186 [i.e. 368] pages
Purpose and Intended Audience
Useful for students learning an area of law, The dyaloges in Englysshe betwene a doctour of diuinitie and a stud?t in the lawes of Englãd is also useful for lawyers seeking to apply the law to issues arising in practice.
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Bibliographic information
- Publisher: In aedibus Richardi Toteli, An. – An
- Publication Date: 1554
- Country/State: England
- Number of Editions: 6 editions
- First edition Date: 1554
- Last edition Date: 1554
- General Notes: Imprint from colophon.
Imperfect: print show-through, with loss of text; tightly bound, stained, defaced with ms. notes.
Signature A²r last line ends “wille dooe.”
“Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.”
Signatures: A-Y?, Z?.
Reproduction of original in: Harvard University. Library. - Reproduction Notes: Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, 1985. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. (Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 1883:6).
- Languages: English
- Library of Congress Code: KD600
- OCLC: 33150958
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