Puppet show: how police and prosecutors blunder, manipulate and misuse their power

Puppet show: how police and prosecutors blunder, manipulate and misuse their power

Puppet show: how police and prosecutors blunder, manipulate and misuse their power

Law of the United Kingdom and Ireland > England and Wales > Fraud. False pretenses

Edition Details

  • Creators or Attribution (Responsibility): Peter Smolders, Gerry de Klerk
  • Language: English
  • Jurisdiction(s): Indiana
  • Publication Information: Bloomington, Ind. : 1st Books, ©2003
  • Type: Book
  • Permalink: https://books.lawi.org.uk/puppet-show-how-police-and-prosecutors-blunder-manipulate-and-misuse-their-power/ (Stable identifier)

Short Description

292 pages : ILlustrations ; 23 cm

Purpose and Intended Audience

Useful for students learning an area of law, Puppet show: how police and prosecutors blunder, manipulate and misuse their power is also useful for lawyers seeking to apply the law to issues arising in practice.

Research References

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Bibliographic information

  • Responsable Person: by Gerry de Klerk & Peter Smolders.
  • Publication Date: 2003
  • Copyright Date: 2003
  • Location: Bloomington, Ind.
  • Country/State: Indiana
  • Number of Editions: 2 editions
  • First edition Date: 2003
  • Last edition Date: 2003
  • Languages: British English
  • Library of Congress Code: KD8000
  • Dewey Code: 345.0263
  • ISBN: 1410719332 9781410719331 1410719340 9781410719348 1410719359 9781410719355
  • OCLC: 71826363

Main Contents

Master Swindler Gerry de K
“There is nothing there”
A short cacation
A “reclicitrant” [sic] type
Rampart Capital Corp.
Jan den Uyl and his clients
“Independent investigation”
“A false identity”
Simon Van Duffelen, lawyer and notary
how do you do
The extortion
twenty-one proper Dutchmen and a former Mossad-man
Chief Inspector Rinke Romejin, fraud expert
how do you do
An extensive investigation
“no matter how honest he is, it isn’t good”
Henk de Graaff, fraud prosecutor on a mission
how do you do
“Punishable and fraudulently punishable offenses committed”
The cell and the puppet show
Meanwhile, back in Vancouver
“We don’t have the right to destroy a family solely on the basis of suspicion”
The tanker turns
finally, a chance to reply
Unsuspecting investors
Simon van Duffelen, lawyer and opportunist
Henk de Graaff’s Mission Impossible
The bankruptcy of a bankruptcy trustee
The bank embarrassed
Incompetent translators
“An effective argument”
“Incompetence, laziness, arrogance and power”
the Dutch police
“Incompetence, fanaticism, arrogance and power”
the Department of Criminal Justice
Chickens with their heads cut off
Finished, but unfinished
A completely outdated justice system
Accountability and acknowledgements
A life in photos

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If you wish to locate similar books to “Puppet show: how police and prosecutors blunder, manipulate and misuse their power”, they can be found under the 345.0263 in a public library, and the Library of Congress call numbers starting with KD8000 in most university libraries. If you wish to look up similar titles to “Puppet show: how police and prosecutors blunder, manipulate and misuse their power” in an on-line library catalog, the official Library of Congress Subject Headings under which they can be found are:

Commercial law
Trials (Fraud)


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