Power of persuasion: essays by a very public lawyer
Power of persuasion: essays by a very public lawyer
Law of the United Kingdom and Ireland > England and Wales > General
Edition Details
- Creator or Attribution (Responsibility): Louis Blom-Cooper
- Language: English
- Jurisdiction(s): England
- Publication Information: Oxford : Hart Publishing, [2015] ©2015
- Publication Type (Medium): Electronic books
- Material: Document, Internet resource
- Type: Internet Resource, Computer File
- Permalink: https://books.lawi.org.uk/power-of-persuasion-essays-by-a-very-public-lawyer-94313/ (Stable identifier)
Additional Format
Print version: Blom-Cooper, Louis. Power of Persuasion: Essays by a Very Public Lawyer. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, ©2015
Short Description
1 online resource.
Purpose and Intended Audience
Useful for students learning an area of law, Power of persuasion: essays by a very public lawyer is also useful for lawyers seeking to apply the law to issues arising in practice.
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Bibliographic information
- Responsable Person: Sir Louis Blom-Cooper QC.
- Publication Date: 2015
- Copyright Date: 2015
- Location: Oxford
- Country/State: England
- Number of Editions: 5 editions
- First edition Date: 2014
- Last edition Date: 2015
- Languages: British English
- Library of Congress Code: KD51
- Dewey Code: 340.092
- ISBN: 9781782257295 1782257292
- OCLC: 905544001
Main Contents
Cover; Half-title; Title; Copyright; Foreword; Contents; Introduction; Part I: Public Law: Judicial and Judicious Review; 1 The Scope of Judicial Review and the Rule of Law: Between Judicial Restraint and Judicial Creativity; An Essay on the British Constitution; Parliamentary Sovereignty and the Separation of Powers; Activism or Creativity?; Judicial Restraint; Judicial Intervention; Annex; 2 Judicial Review: its Genesis and Growth Post-1977; 3 Judges in Public Inquiries, Redivivus; The Inquiry System; Public Administration. 4 The Road to Rome and Strasbourg VIa San Francisco: the Genesis of Human RightsThe Nature of the European Court of Human Rights; Dialogue; Conclusion; 5 Towards a Legal Forum of the Isles; Separation and Devolution; Part II: Crime and Justice; 6 A Calendar of Murder: the Causes of Unjustifiable Homicide; 7 Towards a New Homicide Act; Introductory; The concept of the ‘sanctity of life’ in the context of law; The argument for a return to a single offence of criminal homicide: our rejoinder to its rejection; Degrees of murder and the mandatory penalty; Conclusion. The Argument of Sir Louis Blom-Cooper and Professor Terence Morris8 The Penalty for Murder: Life after Death; Introduction; The Politics of Abolition; The Role of the Judiciary; Life after Death; Whole-life Orders: ECHR and UK; The Future Penalty; 9 The Apotheosis of Amateurism; Some Criticisms of the Jury System; The History of the Jury; The Future of Trial by Jury; 10 English Juries on Trial; 11 The Ambit of Innocence; The Presumption of Innocence; Factual and Legal Innocence; 12 ‘Consuming Your Own Smoke’; 13 Crime and Justice: a Shift in Perspective; Criminal Justice and Crime Control. The Interests of the VictimAlt ernat IVe Systems of Criminal Justice; 14 The Magistracy
a Professional Court?; 15 Serious Fraud Offences: Whither Their Trial?; History; Serious Fraud Offences; The 2007 Debate; Post-2007; Waiver of Jury Trial; Conclusion; 16 James Hanratty: a Vindicatory View; 17 An Advocate’s Tale; At First Instance; On Appeal; 18 Criminal Justice on Trial; 19 Victims Adrift; Part III: Penal Affairs; 20 The Whys and Wherefores of Penal Policy; 21 Community Service: Penological Progress; 22 Prisoners’ Right to Vote; 23 Dangerousness; Protective Sentencing; Release on Licence. The Membership of the Parole BoardPart IV: Media Law; 24 Press (Media) Freedom: Constitutional Right or Cultural Assumption?; The ‘Fourth Estate’; Family Courts; The Journalist; Conclusion; 25 The Jurisprudence of Privacy; The Meaning of ‘Privacy’; Intrusion Upon Seclusion; Public Interest Test; Conclusion; 26 Media Freedom: a New Concept in Free Speech; 27 Censors in the Courtroom; Coda; 28 The Historical Background to Self-Regulation of the Press; Chairmanship; The Natiomal Union of Journalists (NUJ); The Chairmanship in May 1988; Funding; Membership; Code of Conduct.
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If you wish to locate similar books to “Power of persuasion: essays by a very public lawyer”, they can be found under the 340.092 in a public library, and the Library of Congress call numbers starting with KD51 in most university libraries. If you wish to look up similar titles to “Power of persuasion: essays by a very public lawyer” in an on-line library catalog, the official Library of Congress Subject Headings under which they can be found are:
Constitutional law
Criminal law
Great Britain
Rule of law
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